• Anuj : +91 78699 12321

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Wheat Flour (Maida)

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Wheat Flour

Fresh wheat flour is available in 50 kg & 90 kg commercial packaging.

Packaging: pp bags

We manufacture fine wheat flour which is 100% free from the presence of any harmful ingredients. Our fine white wheat flour contains high level of nutritional level for the regular growth of body. For making soft as well as nutritious chapatti, we manufacture fine white wheat flour. We have a team of trained professionals having abundant experience in dealing with fine white wheat flour.

Product Specification


13.0- 14 %

Total Ash

0.55- 0.58%

Water Absorption


Dry Gluten


Wet Gluten



19-23 ml

Alcoholic Acidity

0.062-0.068% max

Acid Insoluble Ash

0.018-0.05% max


75.92 gms



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Profile Information

Application afterLoad: 0.000 seconds, 0.28 MB
Application afterInitialise: 0.027 seconds, 1.28 MB
Application afterRoute: 0.041 seconds, 2.84 MB
Application afterDispatch: 0.117 seconds, 6.35 MB
Application afterRender: 0.132 seconds, 6.79 MB

Memory Usage


15 queries logged

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Language Files Loaded

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