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Defatted Soya Flour untosted, Soya Flour, Defatted Soya Flour, soya protein

Defatted Soya Flour (untosted)

Defatted Soya Flour – Untoasted is obtained from Indian NON GMO clean, healthy golden yellow soyabeans by the process of dehulling, flaking, extracting, desolventizing, and grinding in a pneumatic mill to requisite particle size to get a fine powder of white to creamish color.

Defatted Soya Flour - Untoasted is a high protein, low in fat product and is the simplest form of soya protein. The protein content of the flour is 50-52%, much higher than the flour from other grains. The soya flour contains high quality protein & is an excellent source of iron, calcium & B-vitamins. The only nutritive & functional protein which is fully fat proof. Nutritional soya flour is an excellent compliment to lysine limited cereal protein with other essential minerals & vitamines and this is indicated by its use in fortification of cereals to form composite flours, as a replacement for non fat milk, solids in bakery products all purpose food blends, texturised vegetable proteins.

Analytical Data

  1. Total Ash | 6% Min 6.5% Max | Is: 10038-1981
  2. S/Silica | 0.3% Max | Sp : 18(Part-Vi) 1982
  3. Fat | 1.2% Max | Is:10038-1981
  4. Crude Fibre | 3.5% Max | Is: 10038-1981
  5. Protein | 52% Min | Is: 10038-1981
  6. Pdi | 70 - 80 | Aocs Ba 10 - 65
  7. Urease Activity | 1.7 - 2 Mgn/Gm/Min At 30°C | Sp :18(Part-Vi) 1982


  1. Total Plate Count | 50000 Max.Cfu/Gm | Sp:18(Part-1) 1980
  2. Coliform | 10 Max. Cfu/Gm | Sp:18(Part-I)-1980
  3. E.Coli | Absent Cfu/Gm | Sp:18(Part-I)-1980
  4. Yeast & Moulds | 100 Max. Cfu/Gm | Sp:18(Part-I)-1980
  5. Salmonella | Negative /25gm | Sp:18(Part-I)-1980

Physicochemical Analysis

  1. Moisture | 8% Max | Is : 548(Part-I)1964
  2. Partical Size | 90% Min | Is :4684 – 1975


Defatted Soya Flour - Untoasted maintains the balance of Essential amino acid of the body which is required for the development of muscle, connective tissue & enzymes our body needs. Some other applications are detailed below.




Textured Soya Protein


High Protein, High Functionality


3 - 6 %

Decreases amount of eggs/milk & shortening the expensive ingredients. Provides softer & more tender crumb. Emulsification.

In fortification of Cereals

5 – 25%

Protein Enhancement.

Sweet Goods (Dough-Nuts)

2 - 4%

Surface sealing,water binding,yeast raised,added moistness & longer shelf life to the fried donut.

Fried Pie / Pasta

2 - 4 %

Surface sealing / Protein fortifications.

Adhesive / Glue

10 – 100%

Lower cost,increased production rates,room temperature curing,ability to work with green wood,and water based cleanup,safe for environment

Dal Analogue


Lower cost of cereal,high in protiens and other essential amino acids


50 Kg HDPE / 25 Kg Paper Bags.

Storage & Shelf Life

1 Year if stored in clean, dry, infestation free area in unopened bag.

Particle Size

80-200 Mesh.


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