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Soya Meal Organic

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Soya Meal Organic, Soy Meal India, yellow soyabean meal

Organic soy meal

Organic soya meal is available for sell. It is free from any chemical like hexane because oil is extract from unique mechanical mechanism. Anti-nutritional factors can be deactivated, modified or reduced by this mechanical extraction.


from Organic Soybean are grown without the use of conventional pesticides and artificial fertilizers, Genuine, Pure, free from contamination by human or industrial waste.


Protein min : 44 % ,Fat min 6% max 8%, Moisture min 5% max 8% ,Sand/silica max 2.5 %, Crude fiber max 7%.Strictly adhering to the norms of NOCA, ECO CERT, LACON ,ONE CERT ASIA etc.

Organic soybean offered by us are used as livestock and cattle food and are free from insect, visible fungus infestation and from musty odor. These organic soybean are very rich source of protein and too applicable as protein supplement.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 23:21

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