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Guar Meal

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During the split manufacturing process of Guar, husk and germ are obtained. Both this are used as a valuable cattle feed as they are quite rich in protein. In international market these are popularly known as "Guar Meal" and are sold worldwide. Guar Meals have contents of "Oil & Albuminoids" (O & A) which are about 50% in germ whereas it is about 25% in husks.

Guar Meal is a by-product after processing the Guar Seed. The extracted guar meal is further processed by toasting at a high temperature to remove Trypsin Inhibitor, thus enhancing its nutritive value. Guar Meal typically comes in 2 forms: (a) Commonly known as Guar Meal Churi, which is in powder form and (b) Guar Meal Korma in granular form. Guar Meal Korma is widely used as replacement to soya meal.


Guar meal is a highest protein containing animal feed in its group. It is having up to 50% of protein with a high digesting content, which improves digesting system of cows or buffaloes. As it is very high in protein it gives extra fat in its milk and also increases the quantity of milk. The by product of Guar Gum industry consisting of the guar germ material is called guar meal 50%. The Guar meal 50 after gum Extraction is a potential source of protein and contains about 50% crude protein which is two times more than the level of protein in guar seed. The protein content in guar meal 50% is well comparable with Corn Gluten Meal.


  1. Guar Korma
  2. Guar Churi

MOISTURE 6.00 – 8.00 %
ASH 4.00 – 5.00%
PROTEIN 50.00%
FAT 6.00 – 7.00%
FIBER 06.00 – 08.00%
SILICA 0.00 – 1.00%

APPEARANCE White Fine Powder
MOISTURE 6.00 – 7.50%
ASH 4.00 – 5.00%
PROTEIN 38.00 – 40.00%
FAT 5.00 – 7.00%
FIBER 7.00%
SILICA 0.00 – 1.50%
Typical Analysis For Amino Acid In C50 %
  1. Lysine 2.56% Methionine 2.96%
  2. Methio + Cystine 1.00% Glycine 5.85%
  3. Arginine 9.96% Glycine 5.85%
  4. Glysine + Serine 2.56% Histidine 3.75%
  5. Isoleucine 26.85% Leucine 2.40%
  6. Phenylalanine 3.47% Valine 2.54%
  7. Aspartic Acid 4.55% Glutamic Acid 9.24%
  8. Proline 13.01% Alanine 1.60%
  9. Tyrosine 6.13% Trytophan 0.52%

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 12:25

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