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Cotton Seed Meal

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Cotton Seed Meal

Cotton Seed meal is a high protein by-product from the extraction of oil from whole cottonseed. There are two different processing methods used to extract the oil from the cottonseed, and they differ in the amount of oil (fat) they leave in the meal. The amount of oil left in the meal affects its energy value.

It's produced from Decorticated cottonseed cake, after series of preparatory physical processes followed by multi stage extraction of Oil, under hygienically controlled conditions.

Product Specification

Protein 38-40% Max
Fibre 15% Max
Sand & Silica 1.5% Max
Oil Less than 1%
Moisture 10%


  1. cottonseed meal is one of the best protein supplement for dairy cows, Buffaloes and sheeps. It has been highly recommended for incorporation in the formulated Animal feed so as to function as a by pass protein to raise the milk yield.
  2. cottonseed meal contains free gossypol (upto 1%), it has no effect on cattle.
  3. cottonseed meal is traditionally used in the cattle feed in India and in many other Countries.
  4. cottonseed meal rich in protein is an excellent raw material for poultry feed, though Lysine is the limiting amino acid.

These products can be manufactured by using solvent extractions or oil extractions plant technology using Hexane Solvents etc. "Cotton Seeds Cakes Meals" (de oiled cotton seeds cakes) are residule product after oil extrcted from cotton seeds or cotton seeds cakes. There are only 0.5 to 1.5 % oils remains in these products, Cotton Seeds Cakes Meals(de oiled cotton seeds cakes)

We make available for our clients an immaculate range of Cotton Seed Products. These products are processed using quality cotton seed and in an utmost hygienic manner. Our seed products can be availed at reasonable prices and are in tandem with industry norms & standards.

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