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Sunflower Seed

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sunflower seed, sunflower seeds, oilseeds, producer of sunflower seeds

Sunflower Seed

Sunflower seed is one of the most important oilseed grown in the world. EU-27, Russia, Ukraine, Argentina & India are the major producers of sunflower seeds. Ukraine's sunflower production for year 2009 was estimated at 6.5 million tonnes whereas for Russia it was 6.4 million tonnes and for Argentina it was estimated at 2.3 mmt.. EU-27 sunflower seed production was 7.1 million tonnes in 2008-09 whereas Indian 2006-07 production was around 1.6 million tons. Sunflower seed contributes more than 20% of EU-27 oilseeds production and is the biggest oilseed crop after rapeseed.

Central & Southern Buenos Aires, Chaco, Santiago del Estero, northern Santa Fe and La Pampa are the sunflower seed growing areas in Argentina. In India, it is mainly grown in Western and Southern part of the country where it is harvested from Feb onwards. Sunflower seed production has registered a quantum growth in India with Sunflower Oil gaining popularity as a cooking medium in recent years. The oil content in Indian Sunflower seed ranges between 38 and 44% whereas protein content is 18-25%. The seeds contain hull with a high fibre and wax content and low protein content, which are considered as big obstacles for obtaining a better yield of oil and a high quality protein meal. In order to overcome these constraints the seeds are dehulled. So in recent years, exporters have invested in developing technology for Hulling of Sunflower Seeds.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 23:29

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