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Defatted Hipro flour, soya hi-pro folur, defatted soya, soya Hipro

Defatted Hi-Pro Flour (Toasted) Food

Characteristics :- Defatted Soya HiPro Flour – Toasted is obtained from Indian NON GMO clean, healthy golden yellow soyabean seeds by the process of dehulling, flaking, extracting, desolventizing, toasting and grinding in a pneumatic mill to requisite particle size to get the fine powder of Cremish Yellow Colour.

Nutrition :- Defatted Soya HiPro Flour – Toasted is a high protein, low in fat product, maintains the balance of Essential amino acid in the body which is required for the development of muscle, connective tissue & enzymes and are the simplest form of soya protein. The protein content of the flakes is approximately 48-50% much higher than the other grains. The soya flakes contains high quality protein which is an excellent source of iron, calcium B-vitamins. The only nutritive functional protein which is fully fat proof. Nutritional soya flakes is an excellent compliment to lysine limited cereal protein with other essential minerals, vitamins and this is indicated by its use in fortification of cereals to form composite flours, as a replacement for non fat milk.By heating soybeans with varying degrees of heat the antinutrients are inactivated also achieving full release of nutrients. There is no evidence that soy protein or soya products possess any allergic property as present in other protiens

Analytical Data

  1. Total Ash | 6% Min 6.5% Max | Is: 10038-1981
  2. S/Silica | 1% Max | Sp : 18(Part-Vi) 1982
  3. Fat | 1.2% Max | Is:10038-1981
  4. Crude Fibre | 4.5% Max | Is: 10038-1981
  5. Protein | 50% Min | Is: 10038-1981
  6. Pdi | 20% Min 35% Max | Aocs Ba 10 - 65
  7. Urease Activity | 0.2 Mgn/Gm/Min At 30°C | Sp :18(Part-Vi) 1982

Gmo Content

  1. Gmo Content | Negative | By Pcrtest

Physicochemical Analysis

  1. 1 | Moisture | 6% Min 9% Max | Is : 548(Part-I)1964
  2. Mesh Size | 90 % Min. ( 100 Mesh ) | Is-4684-1975


Used in manufacturing of Poulty Feed, Aqua Feed & Cattle Feeds.

Product Usage> Advantage
Broilers> 15-25% -Improves feed conversion ratio, faster growth, reduction in feed consumption.
Layers 15-25% -Improves feed conversion ratio, increased egg size, improvement in egg shell quality, and faster growth.
Pig 10-20% -Improved feed conversion ratio, and faster growth.



-Improves palatability of feed, improves nitrogen retention, increases milk yield, increases lactation length.



-Improves feed conversion, reduces cost, provides high contents of digestable protein of good quality.


50 Kg H.D.P.E. bags.


Store in clean, dry infestation free conditions.

Particle Size

100 – 200 Mesh

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